"Leave Nothing"

>> 22 September 2007

I'm sorry, but has anyone seen this commercial?

Why did it take so long for the normally genius marketers at Nike to combine football, an amazing movie soundtrack ("Last of the Mohicans"), a freak-of-nature LB (Shawn Merriman), and one of the best, current RB's (Stephen Jackson) into a commercial?

I would have liked to see the casting calls for the extras... "Football commercial" OK, I can handle that; "must be willing to dress in uniform" Tights and pads, I can handle that; "must be willing to sign injury waiver" naturally; "must be willing to be hit and / or run over by professional football players over multiple takes" maybe I'll wait for something else to come along.

This gave me the chills. It's obviously football season, isn't it?

3 ideas preached:

Jenna Mon Sep 24, 12:34:00 AM EDT  

This is one of my favorite commercials too. Sometimes they only show the last half and it bums me out because I like to watch the whole thing. It's just so cool.

Peg and Parker Tue Sep 25, 05:43:00 PM EDT  

I can't pretend that I got goosebumps. #1. I didn't see Last of the Mohicans. #2. Haven't see the commercial either. #3. But not to worry...I don't get all the Male twitterpation(is that a word) over Fall sport at all, but I know first hand the side effects of it and that can be very positive. Just let me ask..can you explain the Magic number in MLB? I have a good laugh every time someone (who shall remain nameless) tries to explain it to me. Peg

caseytanner Fri Sep 28, 10:56:00 AM EDT  

magic number = number of wins a team needs in order to ensure they are going to the playoffs. Example, BYU's current magic number is 7 to win another conference championship (winning 7 would mean they won every conference game). But as BYU wins games and other teams lose, that number will decrease.

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