The Nation's Worst?

>> 21 December 2010

If you're from the DC Metro area, seeing a Maryland license plate should reflexively fill you with some mixture of hostility, frustration, and most importantly, that old familiar sensation of overwhelming and uncontrollable road rage. This is inextricably programmed into my autonomic nervous system. MD drivers are the absolute worst. I guess I can't rightfully assert that all bad drivers are from Maryland, but I CAN tell you that every car that I've seen bearing a Maryland license plate contains a bad driver.

Just something I was thinking about the other day as I got cut off -- once again -- by a Maryland driver.

3 ideas preached:

Julie Tue Dec 21, 03:06:00 PM EST  

agreed. on all counts. maryland (said dripping with disdain).

Barbaloot Tue Dec 21, 09:24:00 PM EST  

Glad to hear someone who lived in Utah finding another state worthy of the "worst drivers" title. I never thought we (Utahans) were that bad to begin with.

Anonymous Fri Dec 24, 08:32:00 AM EST  

Funny, I've noticed that Asians - female Asians, especially - are the worst regardless of state residence. Completely scope-locked on a narrow 45-degree arc of vision directly in front of them, they are either oblivious or apathetic to their fellow drivers elsewhere around them. Dawdling in the passing lane (passing nothing but the time of day)...drifting from lane to lane without signaling....the litany goes on.

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