More From the Beasties

>> 02 September 2008

We're all familiar with the term and fashion abomination that is the mullet. I won't delve into why we abhor this haircut, because websites -- as well as books and doctoral dissertations, I'm sure -- have been dedicated to the topic. Needless to say, my simple reasoning is that we don't like ugly, and mullets are ugly. Hence, we don't like mullets.

Anyway, according to an article in the Seattle Times that cites the Oxford English Dictionary, the Beasties made the term "mullet" popular by ripping on the haircut in the 1994 song "Mullet Head" and also penning an article about it in their label's magazine, Grand Royal, called "Mulling Over the Mullet."

I can't speak to the authoritativeness of the Oxford English Dictionary (really, who compiled this thing -- PhDs? "scholars"??), but if they're willing to attribute a modern cultural reference to the Beastie Boys, their credibility goes up in my eyes.

...And my odd fascination with the B-Boys continues...

2 ideas preached:

Amanda Lynn, to be exact Wed Sep 03, 06:18:00 PM EDT  

FINALLY a little culture from the OED...Really, this ups their credibility's nice to see that their not just a bunch of tea & crumpet eating crusties, but are truly in touch with the new generation. Bravo old chaps.

Slicktian Thu Sep 04, 09:58:00 AM EDT  

Beastie brothas so versitile...

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