One Thought on Twitter
>> 01 May 2009
I think it's stupid.My sister said it best when she said that Twitter shows how "attention deficit we are." My goodness, people, I don't need to know that you just landed at the airport in Denver, or that you're brushing your teeth at this very moment; I don't care that you're currently staring blankly at the wall, trying to think of your next 140-character "Tweet." I don't even care what Charlie Villanueva's thoughts are during halftime of his NBA game -- unless, of course, Charlie announces that he is either 1) planning to beat a heckling fan; 2) playing the second half pantsless; or 3) getting eyebrow implants.
And if Bill Simmons is anti-Twitt, and my boys at PTI mock their own Twitter feed (because they've been forced to do one by the show), then I'm in pretty good company.
(Of course, with my long-professed and staunch opposition, then subsequent caving-in to such things as the Harry Potter books, distance running, and trips to Duck Beach over Memorial Day weekend, I anticipate my integrity-less self will be "Tweeting" within a few weeks. Man, I'm pathetic)
P.S. -- Here's an interesting example of how short updates with zero context (Twitter) can contribute to mass panic on something like the swine flu.
1 ideas preached:
While I do have a twitter account, I don't get the popularity. I almost fell over laughing when some new program came out last week that would ACTUALLY allow you to sort out your tweets so you could have a conversation with someone... WOW!
I use on my mac dashboard as a means of updating the facebook status and my blog at the same time. Usually it's something emotion-related, and it can be quite cathartic. Yeah, I know that there is no way anything called a "tweet" could be cathartic, but it works for me sometimes. :)
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