Snowpocalypse, etc -- Photo(s) of the Week 8 Feb 2010

>> 08 February 2010

Well, while everyone was picking grocery stores clean of essentials and succumbing to mass panic -- I mean, really, everyone was casting this snowstorm as some sort of meteorological Hannibal Lecter, sweeping in to abduct their children and eat them "with some fava beans and a nice chianti"  -- when in actuality it just dumped 30 inches of snow and caused all normal transportation problems that result from mass amounts of snow. It wasn't the Snowpocalypse that so many feared it would be.

We capitalized, of course. Snow changes landscapes in a beautiful way, and we got some 'shoeing in today. Mei Mei wanted to do some "freestyle snowshoeing" off of the picnic tables:

and DJA just wanted to jump off tall structures, because 30 inches makes for a nice soft landing:

Oh, did I mention that the view of the waterfalls was amazing?

Happy Monday, all. Word from the weather peeps is that we have more mayhem heading our way.

2 ideas preached:

aaronb Tue Feb 09, 07:48:00 PM EST  

Hardcore Parkour!!

Amy Lovell Wed Feb 10, 09:18:00 AM EST  

Yay for snow days, and getting to play in that nasty white stuff!!!

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