Random Thoughts From Early Wednesday

>> 18 February 2009

--Apparently my feelings for the Disney movie Sword in the Stone run deeper than I ever suspected. Some friends and I were chatting movies the other night and SitS -- one of my absolute favorites -- came up. DJA said he didn't consider it to be a Disney "classic." Without hesitation, and much to my own surprise, I blurted out: "You bastard."

I'd apologize for the language, but it was a knee-jerk response; as natural and uncontrollable as the drooling of Pavlov's dogs or Charles Barkley's gambling. A Wizard's Duel, for heaven's sake! A Wizard's Duel! What more do you need to be considered a classic?

--In seeking feedback from BiL Ben on a previous "random thoughts" entry, Ben said the following quotable quote:

random thoughts are like pulling out little pieces of josh brain and putting them online. I can't change them. They are josh-brain.
--To all germaphobes and your ilk: Bite me. After a 12-hour shift I was brushing my teeth in our office kitchen, and one of yours immediately yelled at me for being "unsanitary" and asked me to leave, as if I'd committed some atrocity. (Admittedly, I could have brushed in the bathroom, but please explain to me how disinfecting my teeth creates a less sanitary environment.) Sheesh.

I raised the incident with sister Jen, and we of course launched into a joint and pathetically accurate recalling of the Seinfeld episode where Elaine rubs her germaphobe coworker's stapler in her armpit and keyboard on her butt... the recollection turned out to be useful in two ways: 1) it was therapeutic to laugh; 2) It gave me retaliatory options to consider. Thanks, Jen.

--To answer some questions raised by some readers:
Re: The "Tuts My Barreh" Video
Q: so would this guy be a laughing stock in Japan for that performance? or would he be on the verge of winning Japan Idol? --CT (Folsom, CA)
A: Funny, tough question. Funny because the idea of watching Asians sing American songs is wet-myself hilarious. Tough because I seriously just sat and stared at the computer screen for five minutes debating which scenario is more likely. I guess the questions to ask are: Would you tune in to watch the kid butcher American songs every week? and would you vote for him to stay on? (My personal responses: "absolutely" and "hell yes," respectively.)

Re: Running late at night by myself
Q: I wasn't altogether worried about the whole running alone thing (for you, not for me) until you brought up the gang thing. Seriously? --BD (Utah)
A: Seriously. Gangs are huge where I live -- supposedly. Let me tell you, though. Running six miles with an ankle-pistol gets uncomfortable.

Hope you enjoyed the pieces of Josh-brain.

5 ideas preached:

Barbaloot Wed Feb 18, 06:38:00 PM EST  

First off---Sword in the Stone is my favorite Disney movie of all time. If I could be any one character (assuming I were to ever act) it would be Madam Mim (assuming I could act as a cartoon).
Second---I'm even more nervous about you running now, but I'm pretty sure I laughed real hard at the ankle-pistol image.

Amanda Lynn, to be exact Wed Feb 18, 08:28:00 PM EST  

Re the SitS incident...Quite possibly one of the funnier things that happened that night...And I have to concur...I will still, with little to no inhibition, sing the "That's What Makes the World Go 'Round" song while swishing my head back and forth with the fishies on the screen. Def a classic.

Ben Wed Feb 18, 09:59:00 PM EST  

Juli: "At least he's Korean."

Jane Thu Feb 19, 09:03:00 PM EST  

soooo, do you have that 'what Disney movies are classics' conversation alot? I know it has been discussed at my house as well when you were around...

Anonymous Fri Feb 20, 10:02:00 AM EST  

I didn't say it wasn't an enjoyable show....but according to Wiki...it grossed 12 mil, that's only slightly more than 7% of the TENTH highest grossing animated film....and even with inflation, I don't think it makes it. Not that revenue is everything, but it does reflect how society values it, don't you think? poor girl squirrel.

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