Weekly Selects #6

>> 17 September 2009

Some of these aren't technically from last week, but I was clearing out my inbox/phone, and found some highlight-worthy items.

-Via TXT from Banker
, after I told him that I saw an exact look alike of him in the newest Harry Potter movie:

Hopefully im a death eater at least. Wizard or not, I'll kill someone.
-Via email from BiLB Ben, after I asked a group of friends last year to submit nominations for an All-Ugly NBA Team, Ben and Casey began campaigning for Sam Cassell and Andrew Bogut, respectively:
Sam Cassell makes Andrew Bogut look like George Clooney. There is no way Sam is not team captain. He should be the coach or president of the ugly league. All ugly team players should worship Sam Cassell as deity.

My only reason for nominating him is that he is the ugliest human being ever.
Ben needs to be a more frequent guest-blogger, no? I need to start a petition.

-Via email and Gchat from sister Juli and 'manders, about a dude in Baltimore who killed a robber with a samurai sword this past week. From 'manders:
What did I say last week? "Simpler times. Simpler solutions." I suppose there's no Deadliest Warrior highlighting College Student v. Amateur Robber, but they may consider it after this incident.

I'm guessing it wasn't like this (0:59-mark):

So many questions come to mind b/c of this incident -- the unique thing about this case is that most of them DON'T revolve around the criminal, but around the individual who was getting robbed. Stunning.

1 ideas preached:

Barbaloot Fri Sep 18, 10:26:00 PM EDT  

The buy being robbed totally has a spot in the NRA magazine...granted, their highlights are about would-be robbees that were able to protect themselves, but I'd say a sword fits in that category pretty well.

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