Black List -- Skip Bayless

>> 02 September 2009

I couldn't leave James Carville / Gollum all by his lonesome on my black list. So, I've chosen a new member: Skip Bayless. Mr. Bayless is a part-time analyst on ESPN, and a full-time a**hole.

I dislike Mr. Bayless for many of the same reasons that I dislike Carville -- he's condescending to his fellow analysts and focuses more on insults and elementary school bully-ness than actually providing, you know, some sort of insight.

So why do I bother watching a man I so clearly despise? It's a waste of my time, right?

Wrong. I watch Skip Bayless because I wait in eager anticipation for the day when he gets crushed. And I want to clarify that when I say crushed, I don't mean it in the figurative, "Gee, I hope a fellow analyst verbally destroys him in a debate and makes him look foolish"-sense. I mean it literally.

I haven't really thought about it too much, but the ideal scenario I have floating around in my head is this: Some sort of fur-clad Mongol warrior-looking type walking onto the ESPN set with a large club and/or sword, and Bayless cowering in the fetal position while pleading for mercy. Something like that.

Truthfully, I've heard various anecdotes about Bayless being a nice guy "off-camera." That's fine, but hearing that doesn't deter me from my aforementioned wish. I'm perfectly fine with him getting pulverized "on-camera" -- if he's going to be a jerk there, it's the place where he deserves it -- and being left alone off-camera where he's "a nice guy." The very least it would do is make for some riveting television.

While we're on the topic, I guess I don't understand the fostering of separate on- and off-camera personalities for a sports commentator. Last I checked that was called acting, and not sports analysis. Please do what you are PAID to do, Skip.

3 ideas preached:

caseytanner Wed Sep 02, 12:10:00 PM EDT  

Agree. I've heard that TV personalities are told to act certain ways to create contention to make it more appealing to the viewer. So Skip was instructed to be a retard on TV so that people will watch more, and apparently it got you hooked. but me? no no no my friend, I stay away because I can't stand to watch his mouth move.

Barbaloot Wed Sep 02, 04:27:00 PM EDT  

I just watched Genghis Kahn totally ravage Oshman's Sporting Goods on "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure." Maybe he could do the same thing to Bayless?

Jason Wed Sep 02, 04:52:00 PM EDT  

Casey doesn't watch because he doesn't have TV. . . period.

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