A Clash of Cultures?

>> 10 November 2009

Halloween has come and gone. And while as an adult I may not always be ecstatic about the holiday, I'm at least fascinated by it. It's the holiday that offers us the chance to NOT be ourselves. So really, if you're already having some sort of identity crisis; or delusional visions of your own grandeur; or are just generally confused about your place in this world, here is the opportunity to exacerbate the problem and further separate yourself from reality! You know, really mess with your own head. It's good for the mental health.

There are always interesting costumes, and even more interesting couples:

Mary Poppins from the magical world of Disney paired with a cold, heartless, "cut first, let God sort them out later" samurai from a feudalistic island-nation. How do you describe that combination? The most fitting parallel I can think of comes from Seinfeld stand-up: "To me, it's like combining swimming and strangling a guy. That makes just as much sense to me."

So maybe we were an odd couple. But I think Halloween would be more fun if couples -- instead of coordinating their outfits to be matching (lame) -- went for costumes that were the most dissimilar. It would make things a lot of interesting, and avoid the cutesy lameness I just mentioned..

It's alright. Maybe I should have listened to the pleadings for me to stick with my group's Disney theme and been Mowgli from The Jungle Book, but for some reason, walking around in a loincloth all night just didn't appeal to me. At least my ancestors were happy with the decision.

And how 'bout this combination of friends?

The Boy Who Never Ages, a samurai, and the World's Most Wanted Terrorist? A bit of a culture clash -- but damn, we looked good doing it.

3 ideas preached:

Ben Tue Nov 10, 01:02:00 PM EST  

You passed up a chance to be Mowgli?!? Big mistake. You look just like him. The costume would have been easy too.

Barbaloot Tue Nov 10, 03:54:00 PM EST  

I am amazed at your girlfriend's spot on costume of Mary Poppins. How do those things even exist?

Amy Lovell Tue Nov 10, 05:51:00 PM EST  

I'm glad some people enjoy the holiday, identity crisis and all.

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