Metasatire -- Praise it

>> 24 March 2010

Satire exposes the flaws, weaknesses, and idiosyncracies of a political/social/etc system or group; its effectiveness lies in its ability to push equivocation aside and directly address the heart of the problem by using humor (I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT I JUST TYPED BUT IT SOUNDS RIGHT). Well, whatever it is, I like satire mostly because it's FUNNY.

Take this device up a level to what I will term "metasatire" -- where things are mocked in vague generalities -- and you see exactly how formulaic things in our society such as our 24-hour news programs (first clip) and movies (second clip) have become.

Man, oh man, I love these clips... but it's a little scary to see that we are getting fed this stuff over and over...

The Onion News mocking the news, courtesy of Banker (WARNING: a bit of language here)

Breaking News: Some Bullshit Happening Somewhere

And the mockery of the Oscars (courtesy of C. Dees)

Sigh. Wistful, yet resigned statement about my inferior creativity and sense of humor relative to the creators of these two videos.

2 ideas preached:

Josh Wed Mar 24, 11:33:00 AM EDT  

wow. I love the first one...obviously...the second one was outstanding.

Jason Wed Mar 24, 03:43:00 PM EDT  

Second one was hillarious

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