Worst Tattoo Ever -- Photo of the Week 22 March 2010

>> 22 March 2010

Man, I hate to do this to you guys, but J sent this picture and lobbied for it, so I present to you the worst tattoo I've ever seen (and there have been some great ones previously):


But really, I have no idea why I'm posting this (aside for shock value), as I hate cats and tattoos. And now I can add belly buttons, something with which I was previously neutral on, to my "hate" list now. This is absolutely unbelievable, and all complaints about this picture should be sent to Jason Tanner, who wanted me to post this despite describing it as "the most disgusting thing I've ever seen." I hope that provides some insight into the type of friends I keep... revolted by something, but more than willing to share it with others...

Happy Monday, all -- if it's possible after seeing that atrocity.

2 ideas preached:

Jen Mon Mar 22, 10:14:00 AM EDT  

why do you hate all your blog followers?

Amy Lovell Mon Mar 22, 12:38:00 PM EDT  

I think that's the funniest thing I've ever seen. Completely disturbing, but rather hilarious!

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