Stand By Your Principles...Right?

>> 29 July 2009

Alright, people. I'm here to test your resolve.

I received a fairly universal response from readers regarding companies and their advertising: If they have crappy commercials, you should -- on principle -- ban their products. And the ban should be lifelong. No questions asked. Basically like when the UN slaps sanctions on North Korea for breaking international norms and doing some saber-rattling, only you guys would actually, you know, follow-through on your threats. Principled stands. Commendable.

You may or may not know that last year, the US Beef people hired Matthew Mcconaughey -- of perpetual shirtlessness and unbearable chick-flick fame -- to be their radio spokesperson. What you might not have known is that the ads are indescribably horrible. Check them out (The ads themselves are the only the audio -- others compiled the videos):

So, what say ye, meat-lovers? How principled are you? Are you going to give up beef, go vegetarian, and join up with PETA because these ads are so bad? I know I don't need to remind you that Mr. Mcconaughey did talk about taking your appetite on a romantic getaway and laying "side-by-side under sirloin skies." Ah, brings back fond memories of pillow-talk with my appetite.

Awaiting your responses.

3 ideas preached:

caseytanner Wed Jul 29, 02:28:00 PM EDT  

Alright, the commercials are a little creepy, but not BAD. Have you seen the Jack in the Box commercials with the mini burgers? TERRIBLE! I will never go to Jack in the Box, EVER! And 90% of McDonald's commercials are worse than that. If I start getting a migraine the instant the commercial comes on, you know it's bad. And Matthew's voice was somewhat soothing, so no migraine here. I'll be eating beef everyday.

Jason Wed Jul 29, 11:49:00 PM EDT  

I have to agree with Case. Lame is different than making me so angry I have to ask at a friends house for someone to hit the mute button.

Barbaloot Mon Aug 03, 01:11:00 AM EDT  

As much as I like to think of myself as a woman of high principle there is absolutely nothing or no one that could turn me into a vegetarian. Even if Bette Midler became the spokeman for beef, or Rosie O'Donnell I would still love it more than anything else.

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