Weekly Selects #31

>> 01 April 2010

some older ones i've been meaning to get to, and some new ones...

-Via Email from Saree, from Awkward Family Photos:

you must, must, must click on this link
 I only have two questions regarding the Bacon Brothers:
1) Are those vests textured?
2) Do we have a grill large enough to slap all three of the brothers on and get some breakfast going?

-Via IM from Josh M, with some high points during the first minute and around the 4:23- and the 5:00-marks:
More gems

It's like The Star Wars Kid, but in this case the kid actually knows he's being taped AND that it's going to go on the internet.

If you have the time, the whole thing is as watchable as a Barry Sanders highlight reel -- you know, if Sanders were an uncoordinated, mulleted marshmallow of a man aspiring to swordsmanship prowess, all while wearing a sweatsuit with cliched Asian logos on it.

The "DRAGON TWISTER" at 5:04 is a study in kinetic grace and beauty, like the Moscow Ballet (is that a real thing?) but I'm more interested in the origins of the name...The Kentucky Fried Chickens in Japan had a wrap called the Dragon Twister... and the kid has a nice little gut going, indicating overeating of something. Possible connection?

-Via Google Reader share, a New York Post article from the writer of the Battlefield Earth script, apologizing for writing the worst movie story ever. My favorite excerpt:
[Travolta] said again how much he loved the script and called it "The Schindler's List of sci-fi"
I make horribly outlandish and hyperbolized comparisons. But that was the worst I've ever heard of/thought of/imagined thinking of.

Well, I've been waiting for a decade for justice to be served, for some sort of atonement to be made for this awful excuse for a movie. Is an apology in a newspaper enough? Probably not. But it's a start.

-Via Email from Midge, a final video:
stupid, but fitting for a thursday morning

I'm a very active sleeper. Blankets and such usually end up on the floor, and I've been known to jump off a 2nd-level bunkbed before, but running into a wall headfirst is still on the to-do list.

3 ideas preached:

Amanda Lynn, to be exact Thu Apr 01, 10:18:00 AM EDT  

Usually, movies like this (the Sword Kid) leave me totally speechless...I've often used the phrase "I have no words." That does not apply here...I have so much to say about this I don't even know where to start. The first words I will use are "LONGER SHIRT" I will follow that by saying I was sincerely worried when he picked up that second sword that he was not going to have a free hand with which to toss his MASSIVELY LONG and CURLY ponytail back over his shoulder and it would become wrapped around his neck, resulting in a freak death by mullettail caught on tape. Last (and only because I'm sure there's a character limit in place here) this inspired me to rewatch Star Wars kid, and I am pretty sure (like 99.724% sure) that he would kick this guy's trash, despite the obvious deadly efficiency of the "Dragon Twister."

Barbaloot Mon Apr 05, 10:41:00 AM EDT  

That mullet is a thing of beauty and I'm sure it added hugely to his sense of balance and grace.

Kevin W. Mon Apr 05, 11:05:00 AM EDT  

I say there's nothing wrong with a young man filming his martial arts practice at a public park. It's no worse than the guys who practiced with wooden swords in front of the BYU Jamba Juice.

Can I just comment one thing on the Awkward Family Photos site? The bacon brothers pic is tagged "matchy-matchy." That alone is going to send me into hours of flipping through the awkwardness.

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